Posts Tagged ‘Shut up’

This post was written at lunch today.

I fucking hate lunch here at the office. Sure we get free great food, which is good but the fucking thing is, nobody lets me eat in fucking peace. I just sit here and eat and these motherfuckers decide to pick on me.

What,are you fucking telling me that we’re not getting patients because i’m here? Why don’t we fucking take a vote and see who the patients love?

What,you’re telling me that you can do the job faster when I wasn’t here?if you can then why am i doing your job for you then? These motherfuckers talk about me like they don’t fucking need me.

If you’re reading this right now, here’s my message for you:

If you really think it’s my fault that this clinic isn’t getting more money than it should be, then why don’t you fire my ass and look for someone you can pay 7 fucking bucks an hour to take in your patients, clean your room, clean the clinic, fix broken equipment, answer calls, fill out your papers?

Seriously I’d love to see you fuckers try. But you can’t can you? Why? Because you know you can never find anyone else who would do my job for the money you pay me. You’re all inconsiderate motherfuckers and I’m just fucking too needy to quit. You’re the fucking lucky ones, not me.

And great, now they’re getting upset because I’m here writing this and not listening to their crap.


I fucking hate this job. I fucking hate these people. But most especially, I hate myself for being too poor and in so much need that I have to put up with these motherfuckers.

This goes out to all the people I’m eating with right now: